If you've ever tried to potty train a toddler, you know how frustrating it can be. It seems like every time you get a little bit ahead, then they slip backwards. It is a rough journey, but I recently found a product that will change the way you think about potty training.
The Potty patrol system is an ingenious way to potty train your child. The concept is actually very similar to the Pavlov's dog experiment. It is a learned response to an outside stimuli.... The child wears the diaper, which includes a sensor that plays "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" when activated by wetness. You hear an alarm followed by the song and you know to put the child on the potty. It is a learned behavior that is perfected through trial and error. Some kids will pick this up rather quickly, others might take a little bit longer, but I really think this concept will work for most kids. Especially when you couple it with a reward system. I find candy works great and with all the natural choices in candy nowadays, you won't feel guilty for giving them candy.
The starter set includes everything you need.
Potty Patrol Starter Kits include the items shown above.
24 Alarm Sensor Diapers Every starter kit contains 24 sensor diapers. When the blue sensor strips detect wetness, they trigger the Potty Patrol alarm to sound.
+ Potty Patrol Alarm Diaper Refill Kits are available for purchase separately and can be used with the alarm provided in this kit. Some parents will find that the starter kit is all they need, while others will make use of the refill kits.
Potty Patrol Alarm Each starter kit includes one Potty Patrol alarm. Potty Patrol has an exclusive license to patent pending technology that helps avoid false alarms.
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