Monday, May 28, 2012

Good ol' Fashioned Sunday Dinner

There's nothing better than sitting down to eat a big, hearty, Sunday meal with your family.... Unless you're the one that spent ten hours cooking aforementioned big, hearty, Sunday meal.
With a few easy shortcuts, you can cut hours off your cooking time and still end up with a yummy meal you can be proud to serve to your family.
Instead of sitting around, snapping beans for hours you can cheat, just use canned instead. Same goes for carrots. Nobody will know you used canned, unless you tell 'em.
Fried chicken is so time consuming and unhealthy, so instead, fake it and bake it. Less work and healthier... Two birds, one stone.
No self respecting southern meal is complete without some kind of bread. Try making  spoon rolls instead of traditional roll and cut biscuits, it saves time and cuts down on the inevitable flour mess that comes along with making biscuits.
What's dinner without dessert?
Preposterous, that's what!!!
Cobbler is a versatile, easy dessert. Heck, it's so easy, you might even get the kids to help you with this one. You can use any flavor of fruit you have handy, throw a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and you are good to go!
Now, there's no reason why you can't do this, for your family this weekend.  They will thank you. It'll probably be an unspoken "thank you" (or if you have boys like mine, it might be phrased in the form of a loud raunchy burp), but a "thank you" nonetheless...Glass half full.
: )


Laurie - Steals and Deals for Kids said...

Looks, yummy!! More people should spend time around the table eating, talking and listening to one another! More families would stay together if they did this more!! Thanks for the tips!!

Amanda @ Survival Guide by The Working Mom said...

That looks SO delicious. My mouth is watering. lol

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